Multitasking industries Ltd has an integrated management framework in which Multitasking directors Ltd, assume responsibility for both management and execution. Unlike under the committee system* in the United States, where decision-making and execution are completely independent of each other, Multitasking employs the integrated management framework because it effectively speeds up decision-making and execution by integrating the two according to the characteristics of Multitasking ‘s business. We also have mechanisms that ensure the soundness and transparency of our management. We appoint two outside board members and two outside auditors with no vested interest in our company.
The outside auditors sit on the Board of Directors and the Executive Officers Meeting, where they monitor and manage the execution of policy. The Group Auditors Meeting, made up of Audit & Supervisory Board Members from major group companies, meets periodically to ensure that the entire Group’s auditing functions are constantly improving. We also strive to raise soundness and transparency through the Members of the Advisory Council, who offer unbiased operational advice, and the HRM and Compensation Advisory Committee, which works to improve the transparency of personnel matters and the compensation of directors. To ensure that the interests of stakeholders besides shareholders are respected and protected, the Board of Directors oversees committees including the CSR Committee, the Corporate Ethics and Risk Management Committee, and the Information Disclosure Committee, all of which work to ensure that corporate governance is based firmly in corporate social responsibility. We will continue to consider and revise systems in order to achieve optimal corporate governance.
Our Focus Is To Save Nature.
In October 2024, Multitasking Group will celebrate its 30th anniversary. In the past 5 years, the number of countries where we have bases has grown while the percentage of your business accounted for by overseas operations has highly increased Energy saving solution provider for all manners one of the major brand is Free Cool Air and Water Solutions.